Our Programs

Empowering Wholistic Wellness

Explore our diverse programs designed to elevate mental, physical, emotional, and financial wellness. Discover the right resources to help you lead a balanced and fulfilling life. To register for any of our programs, please email us at connect@elevatedaily.org.

Programs Offered

Comprehensive Wellness for All

Elevating Wellness offers a variety of programs aimed at enhancing wholistic wellness. From financial literacy and family wellness workshops to immersive wellness retreats, our initiatives are designed to support every aspect of your life. Join us in our mission to empower individuals and build a wholistically healthier, more vibrant community.

Money Moves

Online and in-person financial literacy programs for youth and adults, beginning at age 5.

Workshops empowering both youth and adults with essential money management skills, including budgeting, saving and debt management to build a secure financial future.

Overcome financial challenges with financial experts through strategies for increasing income, improving credit scores, entrepreneurship, home ownership, basic investing and retirement planning.

Healthy Habits

Online and in-person family wellness workshops to learn about what you eat, grow it, and make healthy dietary decisions.

Hands-on workshops for children ages 5 to 17 include an introduction to healthy eating, gardening, farm visits, raising animals, healthy cooking classes, parenting classes, and healthier lifestyle classes.

Wholistic Wellness Retreats

Multi-day rejuvenation retreats focused on comprehensive wellness, including nutrition workshops, stress management, anxiety reduction, relaxation and coping strategies. There will also be specialized retreats for different groups such as families, women, men, and seniors with tailored programs to meet their specific needs.

Motivated Moves

Workshops and counseling sessions focused on physical health and well-being. These sessions include mental and emotional self-care exercises for physical stability.

A body in motion tend to stays in motion by staying motivated and active. We focus on a with range of physical activities, the emotional benefits, impacts on mental health, and overcoming barriers to exercise by setting realistic goals.

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that empower individuals to ELEVATE DAILY.

Join us in building a wholistically healthier, more vibrant community for all.